22 April 2014


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17 April 2014


http://www.amazon.com/Dark-Sanctuary-Malla-Duncan-ebook/dp/B00781SBGE/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1397791147&sr=1-1&keywords=DARK+SANCTUARYDARK SANCTUARY
by Malla Duncan
A spine tingling thriller, Dark Sanctuary transports the reader to the Yorkshire moors where Suzahne Holte, a representative for a foxy little company selling animal supplies finds more than she bargained for during her day’s round of farm customers.  After three days of rain, a fallen tree branch across the muddied track forces Suzahna from her car.  She returns to find her car keys gone.  And, so begins a chilling tale.
A fast paced intriguing mystery, its twists and turns keep the reader turning the page to find yet another unnerving surprise!  Characters are strong and real.  You will feel the dampness in your bones as dusk descends upon the moors, and fright as Suzahna looks through her rain splattered car window to see “a face”.  Who is it?  Mmm.  Another reason to read on.
An excellent psychological thriller that will keep you guessing till the end.